Saturday, August 16, 2003 |
"Your toilet seat's a fucking guillotine!"
Mmmmm, Terminator 3....**drool**
lol, I have been doing a lot of "**drool**"ing today, I wonder what's up with that. Cuz really if I was drooling that much I'd also be gagging and vomitting which would just make everything worse...ack..gotta stop picturing that...gad I feeli the gagging beginning.......nope, all ok.
Anyway, back to video piracy...mmmm...Terminator 3. I always loved the terminator movies, and now, they made a 3rd one and thanks to the wonder that is Kazaa I have watched the splender that is Arnold Schwarzenegger in less-than-manly sunglasses (when you watch the movie you will know what i mean.)
Hmmm, no news here really. I have been working and got another cheque today. Cheques are what make it all worth while i think. I'm guaranteed the job next year too if i want it. That is excellent. I'm going to have to get a night job too tho if i want to get out of school without too much debt. Meh.
I am also realising that wow, I am so not aloone in the ways i think. I Always think that I'm the only one who would understand my problems, that no one else int the world could possibly feel the same way about things that I do...Yet I'm realising that almost everyone thinks the same way that I do and has the same inconveniences in their lives...this revelation makes me feel even more normal. Sigh, I wish I felt more unique. My quest for uniquenexss just isn''t happening for me.
Also, for any of you depressed people out there. I have discovered that absolute and total boredom quickly quashes any depressed feelings...it's like you're too bored to be depressed. Rather strange. Well anyway, that's my update.
posted by
that girl at 6:18:00 p.m.
Monday, August 04, 2003 |
"Picture sleeping in a place of bedtime"
I gotta vote tomorrow
Liberal? No, they screwed over NS
Conservative? No, they screwed over healthcare
NDP? No, they have serious screw over potential thru inexperience
hmmm...not much choice...help me?
Edit: Cam page is up and running. Wahoo! Took long enough eh? Sorry but I had to learn some new coding to do it right. Oh also, for you frenchies
"Je mets le doigt devant, je mets le doigt derriere, je mets le doigt devant je fais les tous petite ronds, je fais le boogie woogie, je fais le tour de moi meme, et je vais en avant..." heh heh heh...this is what I'm listening to. Oh the fun. Oh the pleasue. hee hee hee.
Oh, and for those of you who who don't speak french
"I put my right hand in, I take my right hand out, I put my right hand in and I shake it all about..." Oh the JOY...help me?
posted by
that girl at 8:12:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 02, 2003 |
"What they don't know will expel me"
So, another day passes by in this life of mine. What next? I predict another monotonous day in the museum. I realised today that I have read ten 400 page books since the beginning of July. That's like reading a 4000 page novel. Considering how there's about 480 words per a page, I have read 1,920,000 words since the beginning of July. Mind boggleing, but then, if you consider that the average word is about 7 chaachters long (yes I counted and averaged these characters on 4 differing pages) then I have studied 13,440,000 letters. Think I may have time on my hands? Well that's not all folks. After finding nothing left that I could possibly average concerning words etc per book, I decided to balance the mental excersize with the physical. There is an aisle going from one end of the museum to the other, it is approximately the length of 98 size 9 sandles; 52 easy strides; 32 jogging steps; 21 running leaps etcetera etcetera etcetera. Right now I'm working on a ratio of these figures using the easy walking pace as a reference point. Dear God I need something to do. I is loosing the brain I am...or else I'll be a serious math queen by the end of the summer. That could be ok...'cept that I'm enrolled in the faculty of Arts...oh well...I'm sure that learning nine essential lanuages including signing involves math...uh...sure Ginny, you keep on believeing that.
posted by
that girl at 9:45:00 p.m.
Friday, August 01, 2003 |
I don't suck cuz I'm not gay...uh...wait a minute"
Good one [you know who you are ;) ]
WEll, I haven't posted for awhile. Basically tho I've just been working, not all that exciting. At all. AT ALL. ahem.
Then, I come home and sit my bum in front of the computer and either continue to work on my layout, or download music for burning. Raea's been over the last couple nights taking advantage of me...mwaa haa haaa. Actually it's more like taking advantage of my cd burner so that she'll have some music next year. Sigh, I'm going to miss all my fav english songs. Did you know that they just don't make gothic music en francais? Sigh, at least I have the Germans to fall back on. The rules say I can't listen to english, says nothing about having to listen to French music. Oh yeah.
Guess I don't have much else to say, which is probably a good thing since I ought to be off to work in 5 minutes and I haven't gotten ready yet. Ginny make lunch, remember you don't want to starve like you did yesterday. Goombye.
Edit: I must point out that I'm not gay-bashing even though my quotes for the last couple posts might make it seem so. They're just random sentences that pop out of peoples mouths at the wrong (or right) time. Don't interperet anything I say the way it's not intended. Alright? It's just that a friend and me have this inside joke thing going on where she tells me I"m gay and I agree with "Lover." Why am I posting this? Yikes I'm self incriminating. Goodbye now.
posted by
that girl at 9:53:00 a.m.