Sunday, July 25, 2004

mua ha
Muaaaa haaa haaaa haaaaaaa
notice anyt changes anyone? notice anything not existing?
notice nothing **cough** popping up **ahem** in your face?
that's right. I finally decided to switch to Blogspot. So , HA!!!!! on you angelfire!!! Lol, watch them cancel my acount now, since i need them for the uploading of files. Oh well.
Finally saw Spiderman 2. It was a good movie as long as you don't know anything about the real stories involved in Spiderman comics. Unfortunatey i'm a Spiderman buff, and was therefore oomewhat annoyed with the plot. But overall it was nicely done. Last night was a big movie night it seems. I also watched Grease, Edward sissorhands and Unbreakable simultaneously. 'Twas an interesting feat that was. So of course i went to bed with confused and tumbled emotions wrought by those 4 99% depressive movies. Grease, depressive you say? More in a pathetic change to fit in kinda way than waaaah, love lost!
erm, i'll finish this later, have to go to grocery store.
until then

posted by that girl at 6:44:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

"No shirt no shoes no you walk in without pants and you shout 'service me!'? Cause that's dirty..."
i'm kinda sick of same old routine. Get up 8:45am, dink around on internet until 9:50am before remembering, ah yes, must get ready for work. Arrive at work at 10:16am, prepare, open the museum, sit for 6.5hrs, close up, go home, turn on computer, login to MSNmessenger, check non-existant new email in inbox, check site stats, check for nonexistant new comments (raea, Jess, Jeff, TL, Chris where are you?), look for alternate free web host with ftp access sans ads (burn angelfire burn), look if anyone has logged in (you'd think with nearly a hundred contacts someone would be online...or else i'm the only person i know who has no life). Eat when dad makes supper, more internet, watch tv, internet, sleep (sleepless sleep because by the time the room cools down enough to be comfortable the birds have started singing. and the birds aren't pretty singers either, there's this one that always seems to insist on sitting outside my window, whether i'm at dad's or mom's or school, and sings like a dying donkey). and the cycle starts all over again. Unfortunately just imagine how when i'm at mom's (90% of the time), i have no internet so all that time i would be on the internet i'm sitting around wishing i had internet. It's a sad life i lead. Tuesday's are lovely though, day off, organise outings with friends, go visit friends who no longer live close (grrr, raea, cough cough), and just generally get all my activity for that week out of my system. Now, i think i'll try to put a little break in the routine by trying to clean my room (probbly i will just watch tv).

posted by that girl at 5:53:00 p.m.

Friday, July 09, 2004

"We at the FBI don't have a sense of humour we're aware of"
I hate not being a good sympathizer. I never know what to say to someone other than "are you ok?", "do you want to talk about it?". Anyway that sort of situation came up, and i tried to be sympathetic, and i certainly wanted to confort the personne, but i can never think of anything comforting. The best i could come up with was offering to beat up the offending body. Sometimes i wish i was more fluent with words, but i've always had a problem with small talk and sympathy talk. I don't like saying things unless I mean it and while you may well mean (like i did in this situation) i really did mean "Are you ok?" and "do you want to talk about it?" no one believes it when you say it because it's the expected response. So what are you supposed to say in a situation like that eh? Shit, anyway, i hope the guy feels better anyway, at least he had someone (even if not a helpful someone) to talk to. We shall see.
So had a busy day at the museum yesterday. 13 whole people came in. Oooh ahhh. It wasless busy today, with 4. but that can be expected during a thunder and lightening storm. I gotta say nothing is freakier than being alone in an old church converted military museum while the thunder rumbles, vibrating the walls and the dim lights flicker on and off. It's even worse when you're one of those people who is petrified of lightening storms. sigh, how i love my job.

posted by that girl at 10:17:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

":et it go, let it all fall and smash around you asa the lightfades away"
an American's guid to Canadians funny stuff, and i never knew i never knew the things you poor American's live without. No Ketchup chips? No Shreddies? No Screech? Lol, actually it's probably a good thing you have no screech since i think only fish kissing Newfies can stomach the stuff without going blind off a tablesspoon. I've heard horror stries about said alcoholic beverage. Don't really care to try it either. I think i'll just stick to Labatt and Bacardis.
On anotherother note, i have the place to myself all week. Sweet deal, i'll probably occupy myself cleaning and baking - oh yeah, Ginny the party animal. Strange, i'm usually such a tomboy slob, but as soon as i'm alone that whole housewife thing comes out of me...a little scarey...i hiope that's not in my future anyplace.
Also, seem to be getting very bored/tired/depressed. Must be some sort of post-socialising depression thing where i had friends for 5 weeks and will probably never see any of them again. Plus the fact that i'm alone all day at work with nothing better to do than think i can't help remembering all the fun that's gone. How sad. And now i'm alone for a week with no one but myself for company, and that's not too interesting since i've had myself for company for 20yrs. Bah. thinking about setting up a live journal account. Easier than blogger perhaps, no stupid pop=ups. Whaddya think?

posted by that girl at 9:40:00 p.m.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

"Tu es un tigre au lit"
Hmmm, well nothing much to update. got my first paycheck in the montant of 520$, not bad. Makes me want to continue working...sort of.
Have also started the first excersixe/healthy eating plan of my entire life. Feleling, well, healthy and broken. Can't move most of my legs without spasming pain ( i bike to work and back as hard and fast as i can on hardest gear everyday and on my day off i run until i feel i may vomit, walk some more and run home) I don't know why i'm doing this to myself. Can anyone else answer me that? No, i thought not. Oh welll.
I realise i have nothing of interest to write so i just will be done now.

posted by that girl at 6:13:00 p.m.

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