Friday, September 24, 2004

"I'm a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a bouncy ball"
Ok, life = fun right now. I can't believe what an amazing bf i have. I just feel like i need to let the whole world know that they should be totally jealous of one Ginny. Muaaa haaaa haaaaa - met ca dans ton pipe et fume le.
Classes aren't going to badly either. I like most of them...except math because i never understood it and please someone tell me why i'm taking calculus. why? Sigh, oh well, at least i'm doing my homework this year. :)....:(
i've decided i don't have anything against braces was only after i got them that i became wicked social and got me a my new advice to everyone is get braces! only $3000!....waaaaah
Hmmm, what other updating have i got...none...excellent...then i guess i'm done...tty'all in another 2 weeks...probably...

posted by that girl at 12:14:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Picture a dark club, the musics pumping. Yourself and your crush are drunkingly stagaring towards the bar and're so wasted you can't understand french sit down...he asks you out of the blue whether you'rve got a don' head back to the dance dance...slow song...he asks you to do...he kisses kiss him back...and he lets out a little sigh of relief...tells you how he was freaking out that you didn,t feel the same way...that il t'aime vraiment.
Yeah, so if you picture that correctly you'll get an idea of how last night worked out for me and NR.
Ginny's got a man!
A good looking one too.

posted by that girl at 4:32:00 p.m.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

"Ils passent la pleine moon en feelant weird"
Well, first week of classes is done. Excelent. I have the sweetest schedual.
0830 - Langue Ecrite
1000 - English
1130 - Psychologie
1330 - Calcul differentiel et integral
1330 - Initiaion a la Linguistique
1330 - Calcul
0830 - Langue Ecrite
1000 - English
1130 - Psychologie
1330 - Linguistique
Monday and thursday might be getting a little long by the end of the semester, but i think i like the idea of only having to get up before noon wice a week.
Well, this semester is looking to be awesome. There's these 2 guys, NR and SF, that were in my rez last year and we're all in the same again this year. we've been hanging out the whole time and dubbed ourselves the 3 musketeers (since they both have styrofoam swords - and they promised ot by me one). I spent the first big party living off their drinks which were generously provided (I'm going to have to buy 'em a pitcher for their kindess). It happened to be Karaoke night, so in our drunken stupers we got up in front of the school waved our swords (mine borrowed) and belted out 'A boy named Sue' and screamed out how awesome our Rez was. I got nighted 'sir Drunkalot'...yay me. Our RA's were worse off than us and they danced while we sang and wow did we get a cheer on. It was an awesome night. And i woke up with no hangover. Yes. Then there was Soiree Cornichon (where i got named Captain Cornichon) and me and GA introduced the guys to the art of pickle preparation.
and Last night was la Fete Lunettes. there were 5 or 6 of us watching the world cup (Canada won 5-0 over slovakia - go Canada go!) and we realised we all happened to be wearing thus fete lunettes was born.
Anyway, that's the general rundown on my week.
I'm home now, bu not for long because i'm going up to Halifax with my newly 19yr old friend and we're going clubbing. It'll be excellent i hope, with the exception of the rain. So yeah. that's my update.

posted by that girl at 9:57:00 p.m.

Monday, September 06, 2004

"Goodbye cruel world!"
i'm in pain, the cat is needing at me senselessly. Please god mke her SSSTTOOOPPP!
But that's not why i'm posting. I'm here to say goodbye since i'm going back to st.annes this morning and am not taking my computer with me this week, nor am i inclined to spend anymore time in the computer lab than i have to. so, it'll be weeks between posts from now on.
Je vous aime!

posted by that girl at 8:23:00 a.m.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

"Take your pick - cold turkey, cool turkey, baked turkey or cooked goose?"
I'm getting a car for free. FREE! I tell you FREE!
2 of my aunt's friends decided to drive to nova scotia form British Colombia, but they decided they didn't want to drive back, so suddenly there's this ownerless car on my aunts lawn, and lo and behold there's this carless neice, so the 2 decided to get together and now i havwe a car. though i still have to get it safety inspected, insured and registered. Yay.

posted by that girl at 6:40:00 p.m.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

"We're going to make a drug that's a mix of ecstasy and LSD so that you'll see giant butterflies - and want to do them."
Hmmm, odd, my site has come up twice (by 2 different people, in 2 different states, on 2 different search engines) for quote 'werewolf love stories.' I'm a little confused. Oh well
Starting to pack, sorta. I'm about done at mom's place, still have a ways to go here at dad's, oh well, i like to procrastinate. I'm starting to get a little antsy about going back to school (will there be friends do i have friends does everyone hate me who'll be in my rez will i be social antisocial quasi social etc) but at the same time i can't wait to plunk down $5,600 and be free again to do what i please when i please. Hmmmm.
Also, in the effort of improving my site, comment please and let me know if you can actually view the images on my site or if you're just getting blocks that say "This image is hosted by angelfire". thanks.

posted by that girl at 10:16:00 a.m.

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