Monday, March 21, 2005

"The Devil is ugly because Jesus beat him with a stick"
Didn't get my job.
Didn't think i would.
dissapointed anyway since veryone told me i would.
Oh well.
Back to the museum i go.

posted by that girl at 1:30:00 p.m.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

"Real men don't giggle"
Finished yet another week of work. Oh the horror. Well at least i now have an entire weekend to start researching my big project d'histoire european. Should be an interesting project though. The topic is "comment hitler a-t-il pu se hisser au sommet de puissance" (basically, how was Hitler able to rise to power). I've always been interested in World War 2, and i'e done a lot of research into it so i've got a rough idea of what i'll write about. Plus this project is a great excuse to read big thick history bookd like Rise and Fall(ah William Sheirer how i've missed thee) and Mein Kampf. Unfortuneately have the texts i've taken out are in french which will make life a tad more difficult. I also have to read an englsih novel (Reading Lolita in Tehran) and do a langue ecrite prenentation on La Divine Comedie. Luckily this is a text that NR studied last trimestre so i'm not even certain i'll have to read the book. I'll just get some insightful notes from his binder :P
I'm working voting tables a couple hours today - reelecting the student gouvernement this year. Good for 20$ anyway. One of my friends is working with me, and we get walkie-talkies so it should be pretty decent.
and now that i've got the internet out of my system i'm going to return to my Calculus devoir.

posted by that girl at 3:15:00 p.m.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

"Drew, stop dumping" <-- real french ;P

SO i had a job interview today...and i forgot about prep time...the phone rang...i says "bonjour, puis-je parler avec Ginnnine?" i'm like, ooooh fuck! and say "oui, c'est moi?"
so anyway i did the interview thing, without any preporation..luckily it was only the second language comprehension part so i think that went over alright. i hope. god i want that job - i'm applying for a Parks Canada position, ad=nd you haveto be bilingual...ugh. Oh well. We'll see. Even if i don't get it i'm still guaranteed my museum job from last year.
I shouldnt be doing this, i should be studying...i really really should be stuying,...but i never have the time anymore to do anything but homework. I just want to relax and not have school work for 1 day. Is that so much to ask?
Apperently so. Seems there's always some projedct looming ahead on the distant horizon hat you want to start early but you can't because there's always so much damned little homework to do.
ok, that's all.

posted by that girl at 3:20:00 p.m.

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