Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"Ginny, a short fruitcake"

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer
Community Attachment19.35%
You've got pals to cheer you up when you're down, but no audience to applaud you... Yet.
Easily amused
Original Content35.48%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them
Psychodrama Quotient13.25%
Had a comment taken out of context once or twice
Attention Whoring29.55%
You do a little dance whenever someone friends you

posted by that girl at 12:51:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

"everytime i see your picture i become more and more embarassed of knowing you"
whatever would you do in my situation?
Would your hands tremble as you typed the message?
Is fear your only emotion?

posted by that girl at 5:54:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"I prefer being short and having a man with big boobs"

So, kissed Jaques today. that was unexpected, and not going to be the last time either...
for those of you who are shocked and appalled, let me state that we're doing and english scene together and one of the components is an onstage kiss. We'd thought we'd worked out earlier how we'd avoid that (since his gf is in the same class, that makes it even weirder) but the prof wants the scene done as it's written, as it should go... so yeah...oddness
Told Ned after class, he's fine with it, joking around and stuff, i mean, the fact that it's just a little peck is better than if it were supposed to be a full out toungue tango.
Still, this is very strange

posted by that girl at 1:19:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
tottally bombed my Langue Ecrite exam. 64%, and i thought i had done so well...imagine how badly i would have done if i hadn't cheated. Yikes... and then there was the psych de l'adolescent exam. That was death. Ugh...the questions were just insane and there were long answer questions about the 3 chapters i didn't read (because there weren't supposed to be long answer questions on those chapters) and there were multiple choice questions on the chapter i did read [ but that i didn't study the multiple choice questions in the back of the chapter(he takes the questions from there) because there weren't supposed to be any multile choice questions on that chapter]. then the long answer questions on that chapter - i don't think they were actaully on that chapter..i don't know but there were a lot of words that i'm pretty sure i never saw before in my, yeah...not a good thing. I determined that on the long answer part of the test i actually knew the answers to 20% of it's 60% value. I bulshitted about another 60%, and left blank the remaining 20%. this is a very bad thing. I was really counting on being able to get an A in that class to cancel out my english class...i guess i'm really going to have to ddepend on getting an A+ in history, otherwise another semester of deans list ginny will be impossible.
i shouldn't really complain...

posted by that girl at 11:24:00 a.m.

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